Vedic Astrology Consultations

Natal Chart Analysis (£150)

This enjoyable, uplifting and empowering consultation (in person or via telephone) usually lasts
about 60 to 75 minutes, and aims to give you a comprehensive overview of your Vedic
horoscope and the karmic patterns it reflects.  Areas discussed include relationships, career,
finances, health, personal strengths and problems, spiritual growth and future trends.  A
recording of the consultation can be provided (additional £20).

Questions & Answers (£108)

This is for clients who would like a short follow-up consultation, a shorter session (45 minutes), or wish to focus on specific questions.

Vedic Remedies and Yagyas

Expert advice is provided on choosing appropriate Vedic remedies, such as gem stones, mantra, Vedic yagyas and pujas.

Career Analysis (£150)

Your Vedic horoscope reveals your natural talents and your karmic destiny regarding career,
dharma and right livelihood, in addition to identifying the best time to make a new career move.

Relationship Compatibility (£150)

This consultation provides an effective appraisal of the planetary dynamics existing within personal and business relationships.

Muhurta - finding an auspicious time to begin a new venture (£150)

With Vedic Astrology it is possible to find the most auspicious time to begin a new venture (such
as marriage, starting a new business, buying a house, etc) to ensure that one has maximum
support from Nature – it is like the surfer who waits patiently for the right wave to carry him/her all the way to the shore, or the farmer who sows his seed with the waxing Moon..

Birth Time Rectification

For clients who do not have a reasonably accurate birth time, it may be necessary to undertake
additional work regarding birthtime rectification, in order to verify the correct horoscope. The
additional fee will depend on the amount of work involved. Please contact me to complete a
Rectification Form..


Ayurveda, India’s system of Natural Health Care, is the ‘sister science’ to Vedic Astrology.  Steve is able to offer advice and guidance on diet and simple daily routines for better health.  Using Vedic Astrology, it is possible to determine one’s specific Ayurvedic constitution (prakriti).

Vedic Astrology and Life-Coaching

Knowing and understanding your birth chart allows you to focus on your dharma, or life purpose, to live life in harmony with Nature and Cosmic Law, and to be aware of the different cycles of your life – to go with the flow and not swim against the tide!  Steve is also a Professional Certified Coach with The Coaching Academy, and has the unique ability of combining life coaching with astrological insight to offer his clients an opportunity for holistic guidance and support on an ongoing basis.  Please enquire for more details.

Astrological Counselling (£75 per hour)

Steve is a qualified and experienced counsellor, offering short-term and long-term person-centred counselling.

Mission Statement

My role as an astrologer is to inspire and empower people to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy, and to uplift humanity’s consciousness.